Gumtree Australia Support Knowledgebase - Policies - Buying and selling livestock
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Buying and selling livestock

Animal welfare is an important issue to us here at Gumtree, and it's important to us that all animals are traded responsibly, safely and successfully.

We operate under a report and take down policy, where you may use the 'Report Ad' function to flag any potentially concerning listing that breaches Gumtree's policies or terms of use.

We also encourage you to report listings which are contrary to applicable laws to the appropriate authorities to be investigated. This includes livestock being kept in conditions which are contrary to relevant laws and rabbits being kept in conditions which are not in accordance with the
Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals - Intensive Husbandry of Rabbits.

Requirements for buying and selling livestock on Gumtree - applicable to all states/territories of Australia

1.  Buying & Selling Livestock

Buyers and sellers must be registered with a property identification code (PIC) if livestock is to be moved to a property, or moved from a property. You must have a Property Identification Code (PIC), whether you buy or sell for production, personal use or as pets, or provide pasture for others to agist their livestock.  PICs are critical in enabling animals to be traced to specific properties in the event of a disease outbreak, chemical residue problem or in a natural disaster.

We require livestock sellers to confirm they have a PIC number in their listing, and they may be required to provide the PIC number upon request.

‘Livestock’ usually means 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 sheep, 1 goat, 1 pig etc. 

Some state and territory requirements differ so find out your state’s PIC requirements and apply for a PIC through the relevant office (State contacts provided below).

Non-compliance may carry hefty fines from the relevant State offices.


2.  Movement of Stock

When cattle, sheep or goats are moved from one property to another (e.g. after being sold) they must be identified with an approved device (National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) device or tag), have a movement document with them and the movement onto or off your property must be recorded on the NLIS database. Contact your state/territory office for further details.

Similarly, when pigs are moved from one property to another, they must be identified with an NLIS ear tag and/or registered brand/tattoo depending on their weight.

PigPass National Vendor Declaration (PigPass NVD) form must be completed when you move pigs from your property and all pig movements must be recorded in the PigPass database. Contact your state/territory office for further details.

Movement documents include:

  • National Vendor Declaration (NVD)/Waybill:  This is used when stock are sold to processors or to saleyards and can be used for other property to property movements with a different PIC. Register with Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) to obtain an NVD through their website or by phone at 1800 683 111.
  • Transported Stock Statement (TSS) or Waybill:  This is used in some states when transporting certain stock between different properties.
  • PigPass NVD: This must accompany all pigs when they move. PigPass is available from Australian Pork.
  • Animal Health Declarations: Sheep or Cattle Health Declarations may be required when transporting sheep or cattle interstate, and for some jurisdictions within state (e.g. South Australia).

3.  General Animal Health

Be aware of the health of the animals when deciding to buy. Sometimes diseased stock are bought by unsuspecting buyers. These may put your own stock, neighbouring animals or even your own health at risk.

When buying livestock, it is recommended that you request an Animal Health Declaration from the seller. These declarations provide valuable information about the disease status of the animals and the treatments and vaccinations that they have received. The Farm Biosecurity website has forms available for a number of livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, and alpacas). There are significant animal welfare concerns for diseased stock being transported or not treated appropriately.

Contact your local veterinarian or government veterinarian for advice before buying any animal. If you have bought any animals that get sick or die soon after purchase, ensure you call a veterinarian to obtain advice.


4.  Fit to load

You must ensure that animals are fit to load before being transported. They should not be moved if they are completely blind, unable to walk normally, in late stage pregnancy, are severely emaciated or dehydrated or are suffering from severe visible distress or injury (broken bones, cancers, open wounds). Check the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Land Transport or see the 'Is it fit to load?' guide for more information.

5. State contacts

NSW: Local Land Services

QLDThe Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Victoria:  Agriculture Victoria

South Australia: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia

ACTEnvironment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment

Northern Territory The Department of Primary Industry and Resources

Western Australia:  Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Tasmania:  The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
Note: These policies are not an exhaustive list of the laws and regulations that apply in your State. It is your responsibility to ensure that your ad complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

Contact each jurisdiction to learn the specific requirements of that state or territory.