Gumtree Australia Support Knowledgebase - Buying an Item that Offers Shipping
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Buying an Item that Offers Shipping

Buying an Item that Offers Shipping

Sellers are now able to indicate which items are available to be shipped to you. You can identify these ads (where shipping is offered) by looking for the "Shipping Offered" badge.


On shipping applicable items, if you want to purchase and have the item shipped to you, reach out to the seller and request the item to be shipped. In your conversation, you should ensure you confirm the following points prior to transacting with the seller:

  • The total cost of shipping to your address;
  • Any insurance to be added (offered by the seller’s shipping provider);
  • Any express service to be added (depending on the seller’s shipping provider); and
  • Whether refunds and returns are accepted and how they will be processed (including return additional shipping charges (who is responsible for those costs) and any refund of shipping fees).
Gumtree does NOT currently offer delivery and is not affiliated with any delivery service. If you receive any Whatsapp or SMS messages offering Gumtree delivery as a service, do NOT click on the link or enter your payment details. For more information, please visit the Suspicious emails guide.

Please note that all arrangements regarding shipping any item to you is arranged solely by the seller without any involvement from Gumtree. Please liaise with your seller on any questions you may have. 


For security purposes, we do not recommend payment via bank transfer.  For more information regarding how buyers and sellers can stay safe on Gumtree, please see our guide Staying Safe on Gumtree.

Post sale

The policy for any returns and refunds are individually negotiated, agreed and arranged between you and the seller.

Gumtree does not facilitate any dispute resolution mechanism. Please ensure that all specifics of the item and the shipping process are agreed prior to transacting.

If you believe you have been targeted by a scam, please contact Customer Support.