- Simply click on Register located at the top right of every Gumtree page and follow the instructions below.
- On the Register page:
- Enter your email address (please check that you've spelt it correctly)
- Enter a profile name (this will be displayed on the Ads you post and messages you send)
- Enter a password with at least 10 characters, including at least one number or symbol. If you only use letters in your password, the minimum length required for your password is 20 characters
- Read our terms of use and privacy policy
- Click on Register and you will be sent an activation email with a link to confirm your email address
Login to your email and click on the link:
And you're done!
For instruction on how to post Ads go here.
Protect your account: Ensure that whenever you sign in or registering for the first time to Gumtree that you check it's a secure sign in page. Make sure the web address in your browser starts with (https) https://www.gumtree.com.au