Listing fees apply in a small number of categories on Gumtree:
Gumtree now has a mandatory listing fee for each vehicle posted in the Cars, Vans & Utes and the Caravans & Campervans category. You can purchase a paid feature package that includes the listing fee.
We've also introduced a new 'Starter' package in the Cars, Vans & Utes category, which comes with a free PPSR background report that can be added through the app, and you can list your car until it's sold. Our pricing takes into account several factors related to the car and listing so to get the most up to date pricing, list your car for sale and you will see our different packages and their various inclusions.
To better protect animal welfare and support responsible trading under our Gumtree Pets Code of Practice, Gumtree has a mandatory listing fee across all pets and animal listings on our platform.
You can post one free ad at a time in the following categories, and any subsequent ads can be posted with the purchase of a Plus, Featured or Premium Upgrade package:
- Boats & Jetskis
- Real Estate
- Jobs, with the exception of:
- Hospitality & Tourism, Trades & Services, and Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics, Other Jobs
- Ads may require the purchase of a feature package
- Services for Hire
- Cars & Vehicles categories, with the exception of:
- Cars, Vans & Utes: All ads require the purchase of a feature package
- Parts & Accessories: Exempted