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Car Valuation Data

Gumtree Cars Instant Car Valuation Terms explained

Thank you for using Gumtree Cars Instant Car Valuation. Below are the terms of how this tool works, please read them before use.

What is Gumtree Cars Instant Car Valuation?

Gumtree Cars Instant Car Valuation is a smart tool that provides you a price value range for your car. To do this, it assumes that all cars are in ‘guide condition’. Any variations may affect a car’s value, so you should take the actual condition of your car into account when applying the guide price.

Here are the key factors in determining a car’s value:

Your Car’s Condition

The tool assumes that all cars are in ‘guide condition’. Refer below for full explanation of what ‘guide condition’ means. Also remember that a car that is in either a substantially better or worse condition than outlined in the section below may require both the trade and retail figures to be adjusted accordingly.

Gumtree Cars Instant Car Valuation defines guide condition as:
  • Brakes: Efficient in all respects. Do not require relinaignment or replacement immediately.
  • Bodywork: Sound and reasonably well maintained; free from dents and any damage repaired. Paintwork clean and polished. Doors, windows, sun roof, bonnet, boot etc. operating correctly.
  • Cooling System: Operates efficiently.
  • Electric & Hydraulic Equipment: Alternator, starter, ignition, lighting, control gear and other electric or hydraulic equipment functioning efficiently; battery able to hold charge; wiring and connections in good order.
  • Engine: Operates efficiently and shows no abnormality regarding oil or fuel consumption, compression or engine bearing wear. And that your exhaust system is free from cracks and leakages.
  • Integral Construction Members: Free from cracks, other serious defects and repaired fractures; also free from distortion, looseness of any joints or excessive rust.
  • Registration: Complies with all roadworthy requirements and carries approximately six months registration on average.
  • Steering: Operates efficiently. Wheels are correctly aligned, joints and bearings are free from abnormal play.
  • Suspension and shock absorbers: Sound and operating efficiently.
  • Transmission: Operates efficiently with no abnormal noise or play; free from oil leakages.Torque converter or clutch efficient in all respects, and does not require immediate replacement.
  • Tyres: Sound and possess a legal level of tread. Complies with State roadworthy regulations.
  • Upholstery: Reasonably well maintained and free from unsightly damage; tears, stains, burns, or poor repairs.

The Kilometres your Car has done

In Australia, most used passenger vehicles that come onto the market within four years of their original sale come from one of the following fleet areas: government, business or rental.  Because of the environment in which these vehicles operate, they average between 15,000 and 25,000 km per annum. Vehicles that have travelled substantially more or less than the higher spec vehicles of this parameter may require the trade and retail figures to be adjusted.

After five years the bulk of the passenger vehicles in Australia are in the possession of private owners. At this point, the average distance a private owner will travel each year is 16,000 km.

It’s worth noting that fleet vehicles generally incorporate both business and private travel in their annual distances, while privately owned vehicles generally just travel private annual distances.

From the time they are first purchased, the majority of prestige vehicles travel an average of 10,000 and 15,000 km per year. The odometer allocation starts from the date of a vehicle release and is automatically adjusted each month.

Your Car’s Equipment Level

Does your car have special features and optional extras? All vehicles on this site are valued with as if they contain standard features, and do not include any optional extras. Remember, optional extras can affect a vehicle's value, therefore any extras above standard equipment levels may require both the trade and retail figures to be adjusted.

Regional variations

Where you live and are selling your car can play a role in its value. The values of like vehicles of similar age and odometer reading can vary between states, cities and towns in Australia. There are major variances in valuations that exist between metro and rural areas. Variations occur because of local supply and demand factors in your area. Selling a vehicle in an unfamiliar environment will also impact its valuation. Be sure to assess your local market environment when setting your car’s value.

Our most recent comparison of regional values identified noticeable variations. Key metro and rural areas were compared to the Sydney and Melbourne markets (which account for almost 70% of annual used vehicle transactions).

Important Note:

Regional adjustments can vary during the course of the year due to regional influences such as supply and demand, and seasonality. For instance, Darwin values will range by up to 10% - 15% over the course of the year. Values tend to fall to the lowest comparison point during the wet season.

Used Car Price Valuations

The data that informs our used car price valuations goes back 11 years. All used car prices have been extensively researched. This research has been largely carried out in capital cities and metro areas. Remember to make an allowance for regional variations in pricing and demand.

Please note that the prices published don’t refer to any specific vehicle. Instead, they are a guide to the likely value of a vehicle that is in ‘guide condition’ and has travelled average kilometres for its age.

The used car price valuations provided are a result of painstaking analysis of price data received from reputable sources. We make every effort to maintain the accuracy of these valuations, but we cannot be responsible for any errors and omissions.
  • Yr: Values are based on the build date of a vehicle. This the date that is stamped on the build plate in the engine compartment of a vehicle. Australian built vehicles may house this date on the compliance plate. Anywhere a specific build date is not nominated, the build plate is the reference point defaulted to. The official release date of the vehicle may be months or even a year after its build date. It’s worth noting that this anomaly can also arise when comparing build dates with discontinued dates. This is why both the build date and the ‘year of first registration’ are important when valuing a vehicle.
  • Final Drive: This indicates which wheels power the final drive. ie. FWD, RWD, 4WD.
  • Induction: The method of fuel delivery. ie. Carb, EFI, MPFI.
  • km: This is the average kilometres travelled by a vehicle according to its age. Be sure to make adjustments for higher or lower odometer readings. For instance, the variability of distances travelled by vehicles with diesel engines means that any attempt to categorise these vehicles with average km ratings would be inaccurate and unreliable.
  • New: The manufacturer's last new car price for the year, including GST but excluding on road costs.
  • NSD: Not Sufficient Data is applied when vehicles have been bought and sold in such small quantities that the sample obtained may not represent the true market value of the vehicle.
  • Transmission: Prices provided are for vehicles with automatic transmission except where only manual transmission is available.

We consider the safest method of describing a car is to quote the model series or number specified by the manufacturer and the build date of the vehicle. This is the easiest way to avoid misrepresentation.