What are the Jobs Policies?
- Each job posting must advertise a specific position (one vacancy only).
- Generic postings advertising multiple vacancies or employment services are not allowed.
- Each ad for employment should state whether the job is permanent (full time or part time), fixed term or casual, pay rate (specifying whether it is hourly, weekly, annually), other benefits, location and an overview of the position duties and responsibilities.
- If the Ad is for a pieceworker (someone who gets paid based on the quantity produced i.e. how much they picked, packed, pruned or made) and the employee would be entitled to an hourly or weekly pay rate, then this rate of pay must be included in this ad, or the ad must include a statement that a hourly or weekly rate will apply to this role.
- All ads for employment must meet minimum employment law conditions outlined in the Fair Work Act 2009 and applicable modern award/enterprise agreements.
- All job postings for employment must offer a rate of pay that satisfy minimum rates of pay requirements, and that comply with relevant legislation (including the Fair Work Act 2009). Significant consequences may result for breaches of the Fair Work Act 2009 including prosecution, financial penalties and requirements to make back payments.
- The current minimum wage rates can be accessed here. This rate increases in July every year. Employees may also be covered by a modern award (which might have higher rates of pay than the national minimum wage). Casual employees are also usually entitled to be paid an extra casual loading (typically, 25% of the base rate of pay).
- Modern awards and enterprise agreements may require employers to pay you extra if you work at certain times (for example, on weekends, public holidays, after normal business hours or if you work more than 8 hours a day/38 hours a week).
- Permanent employees (part-time and full-time) are also entitled to personal leave, annual leave and long service leave. In some states and territories, casual employees are entitled to long service leave.
- The National Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act 2009 set other minimum terms and conditions for employees in Australia (such as maximum hours of work and other leave entitlements).
- Subject to some minor exceptions, employers are also required to contribute superannuation on behalf of their employees (part-time, full-time and casual). Temporary residents are also eligible for superannuation. Contributions must be made by the employer into the employee’s nominated superannuation fund (or into a default fund if the employee does not nominate a fund) at least every three months. Superannuation paid on an employee’s ordinary time and the actual rate can be accessed here. Superannuation is payable for employees over 18 years of age (regardless of how many hours per week they work) and for employees under 18 years old if they work more than 30 hours in a week.
- The minimum entitlements outline above all apply to foreign workers including individuals on work visas.
- Each job posting must be written in English. A foreign translation may be included below.
- Advertisers must clearly identify themselves by their full legal name and ACN/ABN (if applicable).
- Advertisers must not direct applicants to an email address that differs from the email address linked to their Gumtree account. All job applications must be processed through the contact details associated with the advertiser’s registered account.
- Advertisers may not use this category as a platform to promote their business.
- We do not accept postings which require candidates to send money or stamped addressed envelopes to gain further details of the positions.
- We do not accept multi-level marketing (MLM)" jobs or "work from home" jobs.
- We do not accept postings that advertise pyramid selling.
- We do not accept job adverts for cash in hand work.
- We do not accept postings that contain links to other websites that offer the user job posting facilities.
- Job postings should be placed in the category which most closely relates to the actual nature of the vacancy rather than the nature of the employer or industry. If you are unsure post in the 'General Jobs' category.
- We ask that all fields in the Job Posting Form be filled out correctly.
- We do not accept postings that advertise for models or actors (either male or female) using generic (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc) email accounts and/or mobile phone numbers. These posters must include a registered agency email address and land line phone number.
- We do not accept job adverts for medical trials of any kind, with the exception of specifically permitted recruiters who have satisfied Gumtree's internal requirements.
- We reserve the right to remove ads that breach our posting rules and/or our Terms of Use.
It is the responsibility of the advertiser before posting an ad on Gumtree that content advertised adheres to Gumtree Posting Policies as well as all applicable laws. As a condition of your use of Gumtree specified under our Terms of Use, you agree that you will not violate any laws and that your ad complies with the requirements of all laws. Gumtree accepts advertisements on the condition that advertisers comply with the requirements of this Jobs Policies (including in relation to minimum rates of pay and other minimum terms and conditions of employment). Any violation of laws will result in your job ad being removed.