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Gumtree Guide to Responsible Pet Ownership

These policies are based on RSPCA principles

While pet sellers can be reputable individuals or breeders who treat their animals well, the ease of selling pets over the Internet also makes it attractive to irresponsible breeders who compromise animal welfare (e.g. puppy or kitten farmers) and potentially fraudsters. To protect yourself and ensure animal welfare, you must be careful and believe only what you see, not what you are told. Always arrange an inspection to check an advertiser’s standards of care and housing conditions, and that the animals are happy and healthy.

Remember that the Gumtree Pets section is NOT intended to facilitate uncontrolled breeding, irresponsible commercial pet trading, trade of dogs or any other animal for the purpose of fighting or stud services. Any ads which promote this kind of activity and reported to us will be reviewed and removed, if applicable. Users are responsible for complying with Gumtree’s policies on adopting, buying or selling a pet and posting an ad on Gumtree.

Gumtree encourages all pet owners to have their animals vet checked, vaccinated and microchipped. All pets advertised in Victoria must be microchipped as outlined by the Victorian Department of Primary Industries, and all pets advertised in NSW must include a BIN/RON number or the microchip number of each pet advertised. 

Gumtree is a community site and we rely on your feedback to keep the site friendly and safe. We like to think of it as you, the Gumtree community, ’policing’ the site and keeping out the bad guys. On each ad there is a ’Report ad’ button that allows you to bring to our attention any ad suspected of promoting uncontrolled/unsafe/unethical breeding practices.

You can also report these ads by clicking on the "Contact Us" link located at the bottom of our Help pages and sending through all information you have about the ad (ideally the ad number), the email address of the advertiser and reasons why you believe you suspect the ad breaches Gumtree’s policies. We can then review the information and decide if we can take the ad down with the information provided. You should also report suspicious ads to your local RSPCA Inspectorate.

A puppy/kitten farm (also known as a puppy/kitten factory or mill) is an intensive dog or cat breeding facility that is operated under inadequate conditions that fail to meet the animals' behavioural, social and/or physiological needs. Puppy/kitten farms are usually large-scale commercial operations, but inadequate conditions may also exist in small volume breeding establishments which may or may not be run for profit.

See the following links for more information:

Breeding animals and their litters on puppy/kitten farms live in appalling conditions. Dogs and cats are often kept in overcrowded and filthy environments. Breeding animals may be confined permanently in small cages, never being allowed out for a walk, to go to the toilet in a separate space, play or express normal behaviours.

When looking for a pet online we recommend meeting the breeder or seller and the pet before you agree to anything. Never adopt/buy a pet from someone who is unwilling to let you see how and where the animal is living!

If you are searching for a pet on Gumtree, either via responding to posted ads or by posting your own ‘wanting to adopt/buy’ ad on the site, here are some tips and guidelines:

  • We recommend visiting the pet seller's home or place where the animal was bred to see how they raise and care for their animals. If the seller is a breeder and will not allow you to meet at least the mother of a puppy or kitten this is a major warning sign – find another breeder as this means they probably have something to hide.
  • Many unethical sellers buy animals from puppy/kitten mills and similar sources/or run a puppy/kitten mill themselves but pass them off as home-raised. If you're buying, or responding to a "free to good home" offer from an individual who is not a breeder, ask for as much information as possible about the animal's history in terms of source, health records, and behaviour information – and also make sure you visit the place where they house the animal to check the living conditions.
  • Get references, including other customers and the seller's veterinarian. Check them out and be vigilant to ensure that the pet is in good health.
  • Get all health guarantees and other promises in writing. You should be given veterinary documentation confirming the animal has received a vet health check.

If you are interested in a particular breed of dog, be aware that different breeds are predisposed to different inherited diseases. Some dogs have also been bred for a particular ‘look’, resulting in exaggerated features that can lead to serious health problems. See the online RSPCA Smart Puppy and Dog Buyer’s Guide, What animal welfare problems are associated with pedigree dog breeding and RSPCA Smart Kitten and Cat Buyer’s Guide for more details.

  • Adopt/buy from sellers who live in your area. Never allow a seller to transport the animal to you – always first visit the seller and make sure the housing conditions are of a high standard. If it’s a puppy or kitten make sure the mother dog/cat is happy and healthy.
  • Avoid sellers located outside your local Gumtree city. Never send money outside Australia no matter where the seller says the animal is located.

For further information on how to spot and avoid puppy or kitten farms/mills and further tips on finding a good breeder you can also refer to RSPCA's guide for Smart Puppy buyers here.

Finding a quality home for your pet can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Remember: Your local animal shelter has qualified staff trained to screen and counsel adopters. Relinquishing your pet to your local shelter may be the best option for you and your pet.

Preparing your home for a new arrival... see the RSPCA Australia knowledgebase for tips on preparing for a new pet. If your new pet is a dog, also see the online RSPCA Smart Puppy and Dog Buyer’s Guide for detailed information about ‘Preparing for a pet dog’ and ‘Caring for your pet dog’.

For new pets that are cats and kittens, see the following RSPCA articles:

Moving to a new home may be stressful to your pet. So be patient and understanding and provide lots of affection. Here are some pointers to help you settle in safely and sanely.
Safety - Make your new home safe for all pets by being mindful of hazards that could:

  • poison - such as cleansers, insect sprays and pesticides, medications, chocolate, certain plants, and antifreeze (ethylene glycol)
  • burn - such as plugged-in appliances, boiling liquids, open flames
  • electrocute - such as worn lamp cords, or any other cords.
  • strangle, choke, or obstruct breathing - such as small balls, sewing thread and needles, pantyhose, and bones
  • topple or crush - such as precariously placed appliances, top-heavy filing cabinets, and lamps
  • allow escape or theft - such as loose screens and inadequate fences. Never leave your pet unattended on a balcony or chained in a yard.

Veterinary Care

As soon as possible, choose a veterinarian and veterinary hospital and take a practice drive to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. Trying to find it when you really need it can waste precious time. Also, learn basic pet first aid.

Before getting a pet it’s important to consider if you will have the following;

  • Time to look after a pet. Pets take up a considerable amount of time, make sure you have enough time each day to interact, care, exercise, socialise, feed and provide company and attention to your pet.
  • Finances – pets are an expensive addition to the family. Make sure you will be able to afford the upfront costs and ongoing costs of food, grooming, equipment and veterinary care. Are you financially prepared for any unforeseen veterinary emergencies?
  • Appropriate housing situation now and into the future – do you have suitable housing for a new pet? Are you allowed to keep pets at your place? If you have to move house will you be able to take your pet with you? If you have to go away, either travelling or if you’re sick or injured – who will look after your pet for you? See RSPCA Australia knowledgebase and the online RSPCA Smart Puppy and Dog Buyer’s Guide for more details.
  • Compatible Lifestyle. It is important to consider whether your lifestyle is compatible with caring for a pet. Working hours, a busy social life and taking regular trips away from home are all factors that need to be considered before becoming a pet owner.
  • There are many more things to consider and research before getting a pet, see the RSPCA Australia knowledgebase and the online RSPCA Smart Puppy and Dog Buyer’s Guide for more information.

Dog Care Essentials

Ideally, your dog's introduction to his new home will be with familiar furniture already in place, including his bed and crate, toys, and food and water bowls. If you must be away from home for many hours each day, look into an experienced and trustworthy pet-sitter/dog walker or consider dog day care, make sure you do your research first to ensure the safety and quality of the care your dog will receive.  
Your dog gives you a lifetime of unconditional love, loyalty, and friendship. In return, she counts on you to provide her with food, water, safe shelter, regular veterinary care, exercise, companionship, and more. Take care of these ten essentials, and you'll be guaranteed to develop a rewarding relationship with your canine companion.

  • As well as having your dog microchipped, outfit your dog with a collar and ID tag that includes your name, address, and telephone number. No matter how careful you are there's a chance your companion may become lost - an ID tag greatly increases the chance that your pet will be returned home safely.
  • Follow local laws for licensing/registering your dog. Check with your local animal shelter or humane society for information regarding legal requirements, where to obtain tags, and where to have your pet vaccinated.
  • Follow this simple rule - off property, on leash. Even a dog with a valid license and ID tag should not be allowed to roam outside of your home or fenced yard. It is best for you, your community, and your dog to keep your pet under control at all times.
  • Give your dog proper shelter. A fenced yard with a warm, dry and comfortable doghouse is a bonus, especially for large and active dogs; however, dogs should never be left outside alone or for extended periods of time. Dogs need and crave companionship and should spend most of their time inside with their family. Dogs should not be tethered.
  • Take your dog to the veterinarian for regular check-ups and follow the veterinarian's advice about vaccinating your dog. If you do not have a veterinarian, ask your local animal shelter or a pet owning friend for a referral.
  • Spay or neuter your dog. Dogs that have this routine surgery tend to live longer, be healthier, and have fewer problem behaviours (e.g., biting, running away). By spaying or neutering your dog, you are also doing your part to reduce the problem of pet overpopulation.
  • Give your dog a good quality nutritionally balanced diet, including constant access to clean fresh water. Ask your veterinarian for advice on what and how often to feed your pet.
  • Enrol your dog in a training class. Positive reward based training will allow you to control your companion's behaviour safely and humanely, and the experience offers a terrific opportunity to enhance the bond you share with your dog. Negative or punishment based training should never be used.
  • Give your dog enough exercise to keep him physically fit (but not exhausted). Most dog owners find that playing with their canine companion, along with walking him twice a day, provides sufficient exercise. If you have questions about the level of exercise appropriate for your dog, consult your veterinarian.
  • Be loyal and patient with your faithful companion. Make sure the expectations you have of your dog are reasonable and remember that the vast majority of behavioural problems can be solved. If you are struggling with your pet's behaviour, contact your veterinarian or local animal shelter for advice.

For further information on how to spot and avoid puppy farms/mills and tips on finding a good breeder you can also refer to RSPCA's guide for Smart Puppy buyers here. For other tips on caring for your pet RSPCA has great information on their site here.

Cat Care Essentials

Although your cat may act independent and be litter-trained, he still counts on you to provide him with food, water, safe shelter, regular veterinary care, companionship, love, and more. Take care of these ten essentials, and you'll be guaranteed to develop a rewarding relationship with your feline companion.
For the first few days in your new home, it's smart to confine your cat to one room, while you work on putting the rest of the place in order. Prepare the room with your cat's bed, litter box, food and water bowls, and toys. 

Now is the perfect time to make your cat an indoor-only pet. Indoor-only cats live longer and healthier lives. Resist attempts by your cat to go outdoors. If your cat hasn't established an outdoor territory, he or she is less likely to be interested in going outside. Ensuring that your cat has everything he/she needs to have a happy and enriched life inside will help, see this article for more information. Accessories such as window perches can ease the transition. If you play with your cat and supply lots of attention, your cat should have all he or she needs indoors. 


  • As well as having your cat microchipped, outfit your cat with a collar and ID tag that includes your name, address, and telephone number. No matter how careful you are there's a chance your companion may become lost - an ID tag greatly increases the chance that your cat will be returned home safely.
  • Follow local cat registration laws where these exist, see the following RSPCA article which provides state by state breakdowns. Registration and identification system administered by some local governments protects both cats and people in the community.
  • Keep your cat indoors or confined to your property using a secure outdoor area. Keeping your cat safely confined at all times is best for you, your pet, and your community.
  • Take your cat to the veterinarian for regular check-ups and follow the veterinarian's advice about vaccinating your cat. If you do not have a veterinarian, ask your local animal shelter or a pet-owning friend for a referral.
  • Spay or neuter your pet. This will keep her healthier and will reduce the problem of cat overpopulation.
  • Give your cat a good quality nutritionally balanced diet, including constant access to clean fresh water. Ask your veterinarian for advice on what and how often to feed your pet or refer to the following RSPCA articles, 'Do cats have special nutritional requirements?' 'What should I feed my cat?' Feed multiple small meals a day and use feeding toys and puzzle feeders to make meal times more fun and stimulating for your cat.
  • Train your cat to refrain from undesirable behaviours such as scratching furniture and jumping on countertops. Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained with a bit of patience, effort, and understanding on your part.
  • Groom your cat often to keep her coat healthy, soft, and shiny. Although it is especially important to brush long-haired cats to prevent their hair from matting, even short-haired felines need to be groomed to remove as much loose hair as possible. When cats groom themselves, they ingest a great deal of hair, which often leads to hairballs.
  • Set aside time to play with your cat. While cats do not need the same level of exercise that dogs do, enjoying regular play sessions with your pet will provide him with the physical exercise and mental stimulation he needs, as well as strengthen the bond you share.
  • Be loyal to and patient with your cat. Make sure the expectations you have of your companion are reasonable and remember that the vast majority of behavioural problems can be solved. If you are struggling with your pet's behaviour, contact your veterinarian or local animal shelter for advice.
For further information on how to care for your cat you can also refer to RSPCA's knowledgebase here.